Tan Care
Use this handy timeline to know when to take action to ensure you achieve the best tan results possible!
- Shave or wax to remove unwanted body hair
- Moisturize before bed to give an extra boost to your skin health
- Shower as normal, then exfoliate entire body (starting from the top, working to the feet!) with an oil-free exfoliant to remove unwanted residues and return your skin to its cleanest state
- DO NOT apply deodorant, make up, fragrance oils, colognes, moisturizers: these create a barrier
- Wear darker colors, but avoid drawstrings, ball caps, tight-fitting jeans and leggings, rough fabrics, or anything that will make you sweat after your spray tan!
- Remove make up, deodorant, etc. (if you did apply them) with exfoliating wipes
- Pull hair away from face and neck, and secure with a hair tie, and remove jewelry
- DO NOT apply barrier cream, prep sprays, PH Balancing sprays: these create barriers
- Follow all instructions given by your Aviva Spray Tan Artist!
- Avoid anything that will get your spray tan wet (exercising, swimming, hot room yoga, rain, etc.)
- DO NOT apply moisturizers, try to avoid fragrance oils, colognes, make up, deodorant, etc.
- DO NOT keep touching your skin to check your tan, this will transfer solution to your palms
- When it is time to rinse off: USE WATER ONLY.
- DO NOT use soaps or shampoos on initial rinse!
After Your Spray Tan Appointment, After You Rinse Off - Maintain your tan with spray tan safe moisturizer, or DHA-infused Tan Extender, use twice daily
- Apply additional moisturizer after anything that will dry out your skin (working out, ocean water,
hot tubs, chlorine pools, excessive sweating, etc.) - Your face will fade faster than the rest of your tan: use a DHA-infused Tan Extender to maintain a flawless, even tan. Apply at night before bed for best results.
Remember: Your tan will last longer the better you treat your skin!